在舞台設計上,彡苗空間實驗將表演藝術的循環動能作為發想,以「城市地景遊樂空間」重新詮釋臺北表演藝術中心「PLAY DIFFERENT TOGETHER 」的核心價值,在圓山捷運站外的戶外廣場中植入第一站體感遊樂裝置-舞台溜溜。視覺上擷取北藝中心LOGO滑落撞擊地面的瞬間動態,將之化身為城市舞台,體現群眾、北藝中心與表演藝術三者之間的對話。
舞台的另一側萃取北藝中心的建築質感及量體結構,將北藝中心的縮寫-TPAC(Taipei Performance Art Center)重組為搖晃椅、滾球盤、解說立牌等,與遊樂者產生多元的感官互動,以觸動感官累積民眾對於北藝中心的各式記憶。
“A gigantic logo hits the ground and the stage of city rises to awaken your body. On this stage, collective memories are generated by the interplay of performance art and public participation in this particular space.
“Play Different Together” is a neighborhood project launched by Taipei Performing Arts Center (TPAC) in which dancers are invited to greet local residents with their performances in different corners of the city, creating opportunities for wonderful artistic encounters between the TPAC and urban residents.
With the design of the stage, the Seedspacelab uses the dynamics of performing arts as the inspiration to create the spirit of Taipei Performing Arts Center’s “Play Different Together” and builds the first somatic recreational facility – the “Sliding Stage” – at the square just outside of the Yuanshan MRT Station. The “Sliding Stage” imitates the dynamic moment when TPAC’s logo falls from above and hits the ground, which is also turned into a city stage that embodies the conversation between the people, the performers, and the TPAC.